Beit Midrash Tuition Payment

Online Payment and Tuition Payment Worksheet

Use the Donate Button below to pay your Beit Midrash tuition online. While the button says "Donate," tuition is not considered a donation for tax purposes.

To calculate your tuition payment amount, use the following payment information:

Number of Children in Kitah Keshet: ___ x sliding $54(min) to $360(full) = ___

Number of Children in preK through 2nd Grade: ___ x $360 = ___

Number of Children in 3rd through 7th Grade: ___ x $420 = ___

Multiple Student Discounts 

  • for 2 students enrolled at full tuition =  -$54
  • for 3 students enrolled at full tuition = -$108
  • for 4 students enrolled at full tuition = -$162
  • and so on, subtracting $54 for each additional student

Total Tuition due minus Discount =___