Summer Camp Opportunities

There are summer camp experiences available for youth in our community. Summer camps need no introduction. Here are some options for your children. Please click their names below for more details about that camp.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to help local young people attend Jewish camps and Israel programs.

Ruth Goldberg - Selma Loney Memorial Fund provides funding for Beit Am kids and teens to attend Jewish summer camp and trips.

Oregon Jewish Community Foundation The Albert J. Kailes Memorial Scholarship provides need-based support for Oregon youth and teens to attend Jewish overnight camps in the United States. During the most recent camping season, scholarships ranged from $420 - $740 and averaged $507. Amounts vary annually depending on the number of qualified applications received and funds available.

PJ Goes to Camp provides scholarships for first time campers who have been enrolled in PJ Library or have an enrolled sibling.

One Happy Camper has a grant program for first-time campers and has a database of other summer camp scholarship opportunities.

Camp Links

Search the One Happy Camper database of 192 Jewish summer camps to find the right one for you!