Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation Plan

The Beit Am Safety and Security (BASS) committee, drafted the Beit Am Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation Plan, approved by the Beit Am board.

The Beit Am Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation Plan is a guide to help identify potential threats to Beit Am property, as well as the life and safety of its members and guests. It recommends procedures to mitigate and respond to these threats. It is intended to be used as an educational and training tool for staff, volunteers and members in leadership roles. Training in these procedures and general emergency response and disaster mitigation will be offered yearly, at a minimum, by the Beit Am Safety and Security Committee (BASS). It is our hope that this will increase awareness about potential threats and protect the safety and well-being of our members and their property. Throughout the plan the top consideration is people’s safety.

Click here to watch the Beit Am Emergency Action Plan Training video from 3/20/22


Dear Beit Am Community and Friends,

What should you do if there is an emergency, disaster or threat while you are at Beit Am? Our Safety and Security team, BASS, has completed a response plan that we would like all members to review and become familiar with. There will be training on the plan for all who are interested when we can meet in person. Click on the link below to access the general (redacted) Beit Am Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation Plan A more detailed version of the plan can be found by Clicking here to open a login page, login to this web site, and then simply return to this page and refresh the content view.