Sim Shalom Service

A traditional service mostly in Hebrew using the Sim Shalom (Conservative) siddur.

In order to improve our online safety and security, the only way to join our Zoom services and study sessions will be by clicking on the invitation link provided to members in the What's Up.  There is an encrypted password within each link that ensures only invitees are able to join with video and chat functionality.  Please feel free to invite your friends and family using these links! Audio-only participation is still possible by calling (669)900-9128 and entering the Meeting ID number.

See the weekly What's Up for the Zoom link. If you attend on-site, please be sure to sign in at the door.

If you are not a Beit Am member and would like to participate in the service either in-person or over Zoom, please contact the office at 541-753-0067 or

The Sim Shalom siddur can be found HERE.

If you are am Beit Am member you can get the zoom link here by Logging In and then return (refresh) to this page.

Event Date